
Monday, February 8, 2010

How To Disable Windows Genuine Advantage Notification

Following three simple steps now you can get rid of the pesky and sometimes buggy Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) notifications:

1. Reboot Windows in safe mode (hold the f8 key while booting and you will get the option to boot in safe mode) and then:

2. Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and search for wgalogon folder and delete it. You should backup up the registry beforehand, in case somethiong goes wrong.

3. In your windows directory search for files wga* and delete them.

You are done!

Now reboot back normally and continue your work. Windows Genuine Advantage will not bother you anymore.


1st,tekan cntrl + alt + delete...

then tekan 'processes' n tekan wgatray.exe..kemudian tekan end process..pas2 tekan OK..

3rdly, pgi ke my computer>tools>folder options>View..

kemudian buang tanda yg ade kt 'hide extensions for know files types'..lps to tekan apply..

pas2 pegi ke Start>run..
n then taip c:\Windows\System32\dllcache ..

lpas dh tekan OK,window bru akn muncul..pastu delete WgaTray.exe dlm window tu n tutupknnya..

kemudian, pegi ke Start>run semula..

n taip c:\Windows\System32
lpas dh tekan OK, rename WGA.exe dgn wga.bak

lps tu tutup window tu..

skrg, bukak start>run>taip 'regedit'...n click OK..

locationnya mskkn nie - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify

lpas tu delete WgaLogon..then...restart comp...lepas nih InsyaAllah ok...lepas ok tu pastikan jangan update window tu coz benda tu akan ada if buat gitu...harap membantu...

[ Tq... ]


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